Diversify Boulder City Council
Published in the Boulder Daily Camera, 10/20/13
Through diversity in biology and intellect, living systems evolve and improve. Charles Darwin demonstrated the enormous value of diversity in the evolution of species. Many argue that the great success of America is a direct result of the diversity of our citizens' world views and intellectual perspectives. Conversely, the Russian experiment in communism during the 20th century did a pretty good job of demonstrating the high cost of demanding conformity of thinking at the expense of genuine intellectual competition.
Until fairly recently, Boulder's government has been a study in diverse perspectives. To prove the point, Boulder City Council elections are non-partisan, meaning that candidates compete on the field of ideas, not political affiliations. That's institutionalized diversity.
In 1959, an organization emerged that, after spawning many ideas that have made Boulder great, now threatens Boulder government's intellectual diversity. PLAN-Boulder began as a citizen's organization focusing on sustainable land use and growth patterns to preserve Boulder's unique character and desirability. PLAN-Boulder deserves much of the credit for the growth management, open space, bike trails, and environmental policies that have made Boulder a wonderful place to live and work.
From the beginning, PLAN-Boulder's primary means of influencing Boulder city and county has been through political action. PLAN-Boulder has always been deeply engaged in every election, from vetting candidates to preparing and supporting ballot initiatives. And, over time, PLAN-Boulder got its way. Today, Boulder city and county government is dominated by individuals picked by PLAN-Boulder, including over half of the Boulder City Council and all three Boulder County Commissioners.
Of course, citizen activism is a laudable part of our democracy and no one should fault PLAN-Boulder for doing their job well. But, this longstanding dominance of Boulder politics by single activist group is beginning to take its toll by making diverse viewpoints in Boulder government all but gone. Today, Boulder is ruled by the Gospel according to PLAN-Boulder.
If PLAN-Boulder represented the diversity of thinking in our community, this might not be so bad, but they don't. In earlier days, PLAN-Boulder pushed for land use policies that everyone now loves, like greenbelts, Blue Lines, and open-space. But, increasingly PLAN-Boulder has insisted that their agenda sit alone on the table at the expense of all other interests.
For example, we have a middle class housing shortage, but PLAN-Boulder's historical preservation agenda has us considering ugly tract homes in Martin Acres for preservation. Boulder is a vibrant multi-sport and active community but PLAN-Boulder has worked diligently to harshly limit mountain bike riding on open space and frequently to limit access to trails for hiking. Last year, after we had secured the plum spot in the USA Pro Challenge bike race, PLAN-Boulder made a horrible stink trying to stop the spectacular race finish on Flagstaff Mountain. Today, the issue that has dominated Boulder politics for two years is a PLAN-Boulder-backed scheme to municipalize Boulder's electrical supply system at any cost. While PLAN-Boulder's positions have merit and deserve to be heard, there are other communities in Boulder who also deserve consideration yet are not being fairly represented in our local government.
Let's all be clear about one thing, though -- we got to where we are because Boulder voters put PLAN-Boulder in charge. If we want change, all we need to do is vote differently.
Which brings us to the point -- we have an election coming with twelve candidates running for five Boulder City Council seats. PLAN-Boulder has endorsed six candidates and if you look at their positions, they all are faithful PLAN-Boulder acolytes. So, if you want to put more diversity into local government thinking, take a look at the other candidates that include people like activists in the Boulder multisport community; members of the local Chamber of Commerce; the Chief of Planning and Assessment for the Boulder Valley School District; and a young web entrepreneur. These folks have stepped up to the plate knowing that they have to fight the PLAN-Boulder tide to get elected, and they deserve consideration.
To be sure, PLAN-Boulder deserves and will get seats at the table in Boulder government. This is not about ridding ourselves of an organization that has served us so well. Instead, let's give Boulder a more diverse government where all ideas can compete and we can keep making Boulder better.
Through diversity in biology and intellect, living systems evolve and improve. Charles Darwin demonstrated the enormous value of diversity in the evolution of species. Many argue that the great success of America is a direct result of the diversity of our citizens' world views and intellectual perspectives. Conversely, the Russian experiment in communism during the 20th century did a pretty good job of demonstrating the high cost of demanding conformity of thinking at the expense of genuine intellectual competition.
Until fairly recently, Boulder's government has been a study in diverse perspectives. To prove the point, Boulder City Council elections are non-partisan, meaning that candidates compete on the field of ideas, not political affiliations. That's institutionalized diversity.
In 1959, an organization emerged that, after spawning many ideas that have made Boulder great, now threatens Boulder government's intellectual diversity. PLAN-Boulder began as a citizen's organization focusing on sustainable land use and growth patterns to preserve Boulder's unique character and desirability. PLAN-Boulder deserves much of the credit for the growth management, open space, bike trails, and environmental policies that have made Boulder a wonderful place to live and work.
From the beginning, PLAN-Boulder's primary means of influencing Boulder city and county has been through political action. PLAN-Boulder has always been deeply engaged in every election, from vetting candidates to preparing and supporting ballot initiatives. And, over time, PLAN-Boulder got its way. Today, Boulder city and county government is dominated by individuals picked by PLAN-Boulder, including over half of the Boulder City Council and all three Boulder County Commissioners.
Of course, citizen activism is a laudable part of our democracy and no one should fault PLAN-Boulder for doing their job well. But, this longstanding dominance of Boulder politics by single activist group is beginning to take its toll by making diverse viewpoints in Boulder government all but gone. Today, Boulder is ruled by the Gospel according to PLAN-Boulder.
If PLAN-Boulder represented the diversity of thinking in our community, this might not be so bad, but they don't. In earlier days, PLAN-Boulder pushed for land use policies that everyone now loves, like greenbelts, Blue Lines, and open-space. But, increasingly PLAN-Boulder has insisted that their agenda sit alone on the table at the expense of all other interests.
For example, we have a middle class housing shortage, but PLAN-Boulder's historical preservation agenda has us considering ugly tract homes in Martin Acres for preservation. Boulder is a vibrant multi-sport and active community but PLAN-Boulder has worked diligently to harshly limit mountain bike riding on open space and frequently to limit access to trails for hiking. Last year, after we had secured the plum spot in the USA Pro Challenge bike race, PLAN-Boulder made a horrible stink trying to stop the spectacular race finish on Flagstaff Mountain. Today, the issue that has dominated Boulder politics for two years is a PLAN-Boulder-backed scheme to municipalize Boulder's electrical supply system at any cost. While PLAN-Boulder's positions have merit and deserve to be heard, there are other communities in Boulder who also deserve consideration yet are not being fairly represented in our local government.
Let's all be clear about one thing, though -- we got to where we are because Boulder voters put PLAN-Boulder in charge. If we want change, all we need to do is vote differently.
Which brings us to the point -- we have an election coming with twelve candidates running for five Boulder City Council seats. PLAN-Boulder has endorsed six candidates and if you look at their positions, they all are faithful PLAN-Boulder acolytes. So, if you want to put more diversity into local government thinking, take a look at the other candidates that include people like activists in the Boulder multisport community; members of the local Chamber of Commerce; the Chief of Planning and Assessment for the Boulder Valley School District; and a young web entrepreneur. These folks have stepped up to the plate knowing that they have to fight the PLAN-Boulder tide to get elected, and they deserve consideration.
To be sure, PLAN-Boulder deserves and will get seats at the table in Boulder government. This is not about ridding ourselves of an organization that has served us so well. Instead, let's give Boulder a more diverse government where all ideas can compete and we can keep making Boulder better.